Water Taxi
"This is not the 1960s, Mr. Sweetland. This move isn't being forced on the town. We will pay to resettle the residents, as we've been asked to do. But we will not be responsible for some lunatic alone in the middle of the Atlantic once everyone else is gone." "Me being the lunatic." "There won't be any ferry service after the move. Which means no supplies coming in. There will be no phone service. No online banking, no poker. No electricity. By definition, I'd think anyone out here on their own would have to be certifiable." The government man glanced at his watch. "You've been made aware of the September deadline." "I been made aware." "There are people hoping to make the move across as early as this fall, which means everyone would have to sign by the first." Michael Crummy, Sweetland Water Taxi, oil on masonite, 24" x 24", Steven Rhude Definition of Water Taxi: "a small boat on a...