
Showing posts from October, 2013

The Standard Corpus of Present Day English Language Usage arranged by word length and alphabetized within word length

Canada promises to "not make anymore boring buildings" for Banksy. Hey Banksy, Steven Rhude Hey Banksy, detail Hey Banksy, detail Steven Rhude, Wolfville, NS

Lost Drawings Series

Possibly seen in a Wolfville basement. Assorted portraits, media and size variable Detail Detail Detail Steven Rhude, Wolfville, NS.

Lost Drawings Series

Possibly seen in a Hemlock Woodland Trail - 1940's, old Acadia University Farm, Wolfville. Drawing of Colosseum, Rome, Coloured pencils, Steven Rhude Detail Detail Steven Rhude, Wolfville, NS

The Standard Corpus of Present Day English Usage arranged by word length and alphabetized within word length

Doorway, Steven Rhude Doorway, detail Detail

Lost Drawings Series

Possibly see at the Acadian Deportation Site, Horton's Landing, NS Assorted Drawings, Size variable, Steven Rhude Detail Detail Steven Rhude, Wolfville

Lost Drawings Series Cont.

Possibly seen near Port Williams, NS Portrait of a Young Woman, Pen and Ink, circa 1987, Steven Rhude Detail Detail Steven Rhude, Wolfville, NS

Lost Drawings Series Cont.

Possibly seen near Acadia University Hiking Trail - Gold Fish Pond - Wolfville, NS Collosium Drawing, coloured pencils, date unknown, Steven Rhude Detail Detail

Lost Drawings series

Possibly seen in back alley, Shoppers Drugmart, Wolfville, NS. Classical Nude, oil brush drawing with conte, 18"x 24", Steven Rhude Detail Detail Detail Steven Rhude, Wolfville, NS.

Lost Drawings Series

Lost Drawings,  Steven Rhude  Years ago while travelling from Rome back to Florence, Italy, I inadvertently left a precious (to me) drawing book on the seat of a late night train. It was filled with drawings of city and rural landscape, people and figurative observations, architectural features and studies of museum paintings and sculptures. Lost Drawings #2, Steven Rhude I understand drawing is not a lost art form. However, in an era of post modernism, I now realise I had lost not just a compilation of drawings, but a synopsis of a period of academic training which has periodically been questioned by the art establishment. Lost Drawings #3, Steven Rhude Over the next few months I hope to recreate the kind of possible location or fate that my drawings in general may have been subject to in the form of hypothetical outcomes. Using photography, the possibilities are endless as I probe the satirical passing of my drawing in a digital age of instant image...

Rearrangement - The Standard Corpus of Present Day English Language Usage arranged by word length and alphabetized within word length

Rearrangement Detail Detail "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll buy a funny hat. Talk to a hungry man about fish, and your a consultant." Scot Adams Steven Rhude, Wolfville, NS