Miners' Ascent

Miners' Ascent, Inverness, o/p, 24" x 24",  private collection

"With the closure of the mines, the railway service, the "Judique Flyer", changed from a daily to a weekly service and then was terminated entirely. Inverness would not be awakened anymore by the sound of a train whistle. A daily bus service  between Inverness and Port Hawksbury was established in partial replacement of the train. Eventually the train station was converted into a Miners' Museum and the steel rails themselves were removed. Slowly the railway beds on the route to the strait disappeared.  After the mine closure in 1953, the Department of Mines put the company houses up for sale, with preference being given to the current occupants." [1]

[1] Banking on Coal, Douglas F. Campbell, Perspectives on a Cape Breton Community within an International Context


  1. Some far it is true that mining companies in Canada are under pressure.If they want some change in mining sector or firm, first of all they have to concentrate on corruption.There are few bad things in terms of reputation for Canadian companies also another factor.If the companies are looking forward to get some change in this fields (corruption and reputation), it will be the success for Canadian mining .


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